received a wonderful surprise today.....a new picture of Graham! Along with this photo, Eastern (our Korean agency) also sent a written report. The report is currently being translated, and we should have it early next week. We're assuming we'll get a weight update (this will make shopping for clothes much easier!) as well as descriptions of his daily routines and milestones reached. We're unable to accurately guess how much he weighs at this point, but we know he's big and definitely still enjoying his food! We were so happy to see that he's still got those adorable squishy cheeks....we can't wait to get our hands on them! And how adorable are those rolls on his arms! Don't lose that baby fat too fast, Graham!
We're still, impatiently, waiting for our travel call. We do know that all we're waiting for at this point is for the US Embassy to issue his visa. Why do governments have to be so slow? There is a little boy in Korea getting way too big, way too fast, and it's time for him to be at home!
When we receive our weight update next week, I'll be sure to update this site. Feel free to leave us a comment and take a guess as to how much our "
supersize baby" actually weighs. Someday, it will be fun for Graham to look at this...I'm sure he'd get a good laugh out of all this!
I have no idea on baby weights but he sures looks like a very healthy baby boy. I'm going to guess that he's at 25.7 pounds???? I'm sure I'm totally off but I'm so excited for you guys to get him home to Eden Prairie where he belongs. Know that Graham, his foster family and you both are in my prayers daily.
What a cute little bundle of roly-poly baby fat!!! :-) We can't wait for you to come home, little guy!!!!
Jeff's aspirations to have a baby 'Lots to Love' are fulfilled! :-)
Ohhh ... he is a living doll! What a sweet baby! I love the look on his face. I LOVE everything about my grandson!
Kris :)
He is absolutely adorable! I am so excited for you two to go and bring your little man home. I will throw in my weight guess at 22.3 pounds. You are all in our prayers!
Angie, Brandon, & the boys :o)
Oh what a precious little boy - and those cheeks!! They are just begging to be squeezed. Here's our guesses on the weight. Mom is guessing 28.6 pounds of pure love and I am guessing 27.8 pounds of pure huggable little boy. Can't wait for the e-mail that you are on your way.
Donnette, Darlene and Don
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