Today Graham and I made the trek to General Mills to meet Jeff for lunch. Graham had a great time banging on the table and throwing banana puffs everywhere! Luckily, the cafeteria was full of commotion, so nobody seemed to notice the baby in the corner booth making a giant mess!
Over the past few days, Jeff taught Graham to do something we're now referring to as the "He-Man yell"'s nothing more than the two of them taking turns grunting very loudly at each other. I can't say I'm too thrilled with this new game, as it's not a very appropriate noise for all locations. For example, when we were visiting Jeff's boss, Graham thought it was the perfect opportunity to look at Jeff and begin the game. So, what does Jeff do??? He answers back with his own emphatic grunt of course! It was very funny to watch, and Jeff's coworkers got a real kick out of watching Jeff the "business guy" act as Daddy for a while.
Overall, Graham continues to adjust very well. He's generally very happy and easy going during the day. At night though, is when we really notice him grieving and adjusting. Last night was particularly tough, as he was up screaming out for his foster mother for two solid hours. We haven't had that sort of an episode for over a week so I was surprised to have it happen again. It's a very helpless feeling as there is really nothing that will console him. He really is just grieving but Jeff and I know that with love and consistency, he will be able to work though it. I read in an adoption book that grieving is a lifetime process, that we just have to help him work through. We have to remind ourselves that he's only 8 months old and has only been here for just over two weeks! At times, it's easy to forget that he only just arrived, as it already feels like he's been part of our little family forever. At this time the only real complaint we have is the complete exhaustion. I will say right now that if I ever said I was tired before Graham came home I was not telling the truth. Staying out too late one night and being able to sleep in the next day does not make me tired. Parenting is tiring but there isn't a thing I'd rather be doing! Out of complete exhaustion Jeff said something pretty funny on Sunday that I'll never forget....he said "I wish I had fur like Annie so I didn't have to waste my energy getting dressed each day".....are those the words of a tired Dad, or what?
Jeff and Melissa,
It's so much fun to hear about your daily triumphs with Graham! He is so precious!
Emily and Dave
Hey Jeff, it's me Ci Ci! Thanks for sharing this page! Graham is so adorable and I enjoyed checking out your blog!
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