Graham and the toy he so affectionately refers to as "pop pop". I am not
exaggerating when I say that he
LOVES this toy. Each time he
is reunited with it, even if it's only been out of his sight for 5 minutes, he starts bouncing and giggling. In fact, this toy brings Graham so much joy, that Grandpa Greer has so kindly offered to bring it on our trip to Washington DC this weekend....as his carry on!! Oh won't the Northwest Airlines flight
attendants love us!

Graham was very curious about the sheets I was folding this morning. They were still nice and warm so I put him into the basket to see what he'd do. He let out a long sigh, smiled, put his head back, and just sat there. I wish I would have been ready to video tape it, because his reaction was priceless.

For a few reasons, getting Graham to eat at General Mills today was a bit of a challenge. First of all, much to Graham's delight, there are no highchairs, leaving him to play in the booth to his hearts content. Second, being that he's not in a highchair, my food was within easy reach for him. Apparently my salad and pineapple looked much more appealing than his Gerber.
Thankfully, Graham was very amused by an empty bottle of Dr. Pepper, and it entertained him long enough for Jeff to shovel the food into his mouth.

Who needs a fancy toy when you can play with the basket Daddy's french fries came in?
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