Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Evening In

It seems as though Graham, his cold, and his never-ending teething have finally turned a corner, and I'm crossing my fingers that he's on the mend. We stayed in today so Graham could take it easy and get in some nice long naps. This evening, we were supposed to go out with Uncle Peter and Auntie Lynn, but decided it would be better for all if we just hung out at home rather than dragging Graham to a restaurant and hoping he would be patient enough for us to enjoy a leisurely meal. Uncle Peter tried to teach Graham some new "grown up" vocabulary words tonight... Luckily, Graham doesn't repeat much yet, so I'm still safe....for how long, who knows though. I will say that there is never a dull moment with Uncle Peter around!
Trying out his new duck whistle with Auntie Lynn as his captive audience!

Giving a concert with Uncle Peter's help....

Giving a concert Stevie Wonder style!

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