Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Velcro Baby

Today was an interesting day and I believe what actually made it interesting started last night. I had plans to go out for dinner with a friend. Yes, this doting Mommy needed some adult time! So, when Jeff got home from work I attempted to hand Graham over to his Daddy so I could be on my way. Graham wanted nothing to do with this new arrangement though and kept insisting that I be the one to hold him. After spending a few minutes trying to rationalize with him, and realizing that in this situation it wasn't working, I just put Graham directly into his highchair with his dinner and left for my wonderful evening out. Unfortunately, when I got home to hear how things went at home, I learned that it wasn't a wonderful evening for Graham. Apparently, after I left, Graham didn't eat one bite of his dinner. Rather, he threw every single piece onto the floor. After refusing all food, he solemnly played with his toys until it was time for bed. Fast forward to this morning....I went to get Graham out of his crib and was met with a giant smile and a very clingy baby. Graham refused to be put down nearly all day. Breakfast and lunch were the worst. He actually had a meltdown each time I tried to put him into his highchair to eat. Jeff and I believe that Graham was associating his highchair with his Mommy leaving, even it was only for a short while. So, Graham and I spent the majority of the day in bear hug position. Thankfully, he decided it was ok to sit in the highchair during dinner this evening when all three of us sat down like we normally do.

Because of his runny nose, I kept Graham out of school today. I think his cold is just about gone, but I didn't want him to share his lovely illness with his classmates. He did get an email from his friend Abigail tonight though wondering where he was today during school. Apparently he and his animal noises were missed! Velcro baby and I took advantage of our extra time today, ran some errands and ended up having a spur of the moment lunch with our friend Sara. The grand finale to our day though was haircut #3 for Graham. We're so happy that he actually likes to get his haircut! Graham's first haircut was torture for all involved. The poor thing was so scared! The past two times though, Graham seems to actually enjoy himself! Tonight he sat in the chair, giggled at the electric razor, smiled and waved at himself in the mirror, and clapped for himself for his job well done. That's our happy boy!

Graham thought it was hilarious to take the comb away from the lady cutting his hair and put it in his mouth. I guess a comb feels really good on teething gums!

I should also add that today marks 6 months that Graham has been home with us! HOLY COW!!! At times it feels like he's been with us forever and at other times it feels like just yesterday that we were walking up and down the aisle on the plane with our screaming baby. As I write today about Graham being clingy, I am sooo very thankful for that "clingyness". 6 months ago, judging by his reactions to me, it was hard to imagine him accepting me, let alone clinging to me! I am so thankful for the bond that Graham shares with both his Mommy and Daddy. And, if he wants to be a Velcro baby, I'll take it! I know that Graham is already growing up way too fast and before I know it, I'll be wishing he wanted to sit in my lap and cuddle. We love you Graham!

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