Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Water Baby!

Yesterday was a pretty exciting day for Graham as he took part in his very first swimming lesson! Judging by all the fun Graham has in the bathtub, we were fairly certain he would enjoy being in the pool, and we were right! The children in his class showed a wide range of emotion towards the water. The spectrum was huge-some kids spent the thirty minute lesson in tears and then there was Graham.....he spent his thirty minutes kicking, splashing, laughing, and waving at his proud Mommy on the side of the pool. He definitely shows no fear of the water!

Graham liked to hold onto the floating barbell. At one point, much to my dismay, Jeff was actually able to let go of Graham. Graham just continued kicking his legs and appeared happy as can be. I'm not sure how I feel about Graham's general lack of fear.....

Happy and content in the pool.

Splashing Daddy is the best!
After swimming lessons we grabbed a quick lunch then decided to stop at Costco before heading home. Graham is a very routine baby, and always takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Because of his lessons though, he didn't get a morning nap and we were just hoping he wouldn't have a meltdown before we could get him home to his bottle and crib. We barely got through the door at Costco before this happened......
This can't possibly be comfortable....

This looks a bit more comfortable!
Graham completely exhausted himself swimming and without a morning nap, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he slept through our quick shopping trip. I guess until his lessons are over, Saturday afternoons are going to look a bit different for us. Hopefully Graham will stay awake long enough to eat lunch, then it's straight to his crib for him! I'm going to take full advantage of having an exhausted baby on Saturday afternoons. The amount of "stuff" I'm going to be able to get done is pretty exciting for me!

Graham's exciting day didn't end with his nap though because he was invited to a little dinner party at our friends Chris and Sara's house. I think Graham's favorite part of the evening was chasing the kittens around the house. They weren't quite sure about Graham and never let Graham get close enough to pet them, but that wasn't to say they didn't share a curiosity for each other! After stalking the cats for quite a while, then pulling a dark colored adult beverage onto their white carpet, we decided that it was time to call it a night for Graham!
Graham and the kitty staring each other down!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow-- what a full weekend! Alex is jealous that you got to swim-- you look like a natural! :-)