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Monday, May 26, 2008

A Weekend of "Firsts"

For those of you checking our blog the past few days, I'm sure you noticed the lack of updates. We spent our long weekend up at the lake, and now that we're back in town, I've got a chance to update everyone on our past few days. Unfortunately, other than the first night we arrived, the weather was pretty crummy. It's hard to believe that it's almost June since we're still wearing jeans and sweatshirts. The weather didn't stop us from having a great weekend though and Graham was still able to experience for the first time, many of the fun things we do up in Spooner!

Playing outside in Spooner...the first time Graham's been up there without snow on the ground!

Playing "Catch Phrase", one of our favorite cabin games

"Driving" his truck at the local grocery store

First taste of licorice-one of our favorite snacks to eat on the boat

Driving the boat!!!!

One of my favorite things that Graham was able to experience for the first time this weekend was wearing a life jacket. Not wearing one isn't an option for him, so I was a little concerned he wouldn't like it and it would become a battle. Apparently, I was wrong..... :)


ChanSoon said...

I have never heard any toddlers doing belly laughs before. It's so infectious, and I can't help doing belly laughs with him. Wow, how so elated he is at the lake!

Grandma Olson

Anne said...

What a wonderful son you have Melissa and Jeff... Your blog is such a source of joy for me!

Linda D said...

I had to laugh just as hard as baby Graham! He is so adorable in his life jacket! He's a happy boy!:)

Kris Greer said...

Oh how cute!! I was fortunate enough to witness the adorable laughter in person and let me tell you, it was hysterical!

Grandma Greer