Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cause for celebration???

Following the routine as of late, breakfast was a challenge with my little man. But, how in the world was I supposed to take him seriously with bed head like this???

We met up with my mom at Ikea today for some shopping and lunch. I really felt like celebrating, because Graham ate two entire Swedish meatballs! You're probably wondering what the big deal is about that, but the point is that he actually ate. Food has been such a control issue for him lately, that we're thrilled when even the smallest morsel makes it to his mouth. I'm starting to think that Graham just doesn't believe he has time to take a break from life to eat. He'd much rather climb furniture or desperately try to get into cabinets filled with breakable items. Next on our list in order to help Graham eat, is to get him a booster chair and move the high chair out of the way. He's hated the high chair from day one, so we're going to try a booster so he can be right at the table with us. When his little sister arrives and uses the high chair, I'm sure he'll look at her and laugh to himself about her being stuck in that "horrible thing".

Eating meatball 2 of 2!

Clearing our trays after lunch...this was his favorite part of the meal!

After we ate, we took some time to wander around the gigantic store and Graham happily munched on pretzels. He has no issues eating as long as he's not in that darn highchair! We came across a funny little chair shaped like an egg and I unstrapped Graham from his stroller and let him at it. He thought it was pretty funny to play peek-a-boo and spin around!
Just a little bit dizzy after taking a swirling ride in the egg chair!

Playing with the cool wooden truck he scored at Ikea!

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