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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wisconsin Weekend

We're back home after spending the weekend up at the lake. While we all had fun up north, Graham was VERY ornery nearly the entire time. He refused most food and decided he didn't need to sleep...he was just a crabby little man. For the life of us, we couldn't figure out what was going on. Tonight, Jeff figured it out....more teeth! Graham just got his 13th tooth and it was apparently quite annoying for him as it made its' way to the surface. His gums are puffy and he's still not a happy camper, but at least we understand why he's frustrated...lucky for all of us that three more are soon to make an appearance. It seemed early for him to be teething again, but according to one of my baby books, the teeth he's getting normally arrive between 16-22 months. So, although he is on the very early end, it's about that time I guess. All weekend I was trying to reason with Graham to eat and even resorted to bribery with a certain Elmo doll he's obsessed with at the store. Man do I feel guilty now that I know he's not been feeling well. Perhaps he still deserves Elmo for all the pain and suffering that goes along with teething. Being 16 months old is hard work!

Checking out the frog that Grandpa caught for him!

Swinging with Daddy!

Apparently the "No feet at the table" rule is still a work in progress....

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