Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A New Friend

This afternoon we ventured to the zoo (I know we're there often, but I promise that Graham and I don't live there!) with Peter, Lynn, and their nephew Dylan. Dylan is about 6 months older than Graham so it's fun for me to get a "sneak peak" as to what lies ahead for Graham. Both boys share a love of trucks and Dylan was kind enough to share a few of his favorites with Graham. I actually think the boys were more interested in the trucks they were carrying around than the animals behind the glass. Never the less, we did have a great afternoon enjoying the weather, animals, and company!

Taking a break from the animals to play in the sand with a few very cool trucks!

Taking a break from their very cool trucks to check out the animals

Feeding the goats with Uncle Peter...we were smart this time though and stayed outside the fence!

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