which was quite a treat and a resort everyone should try to experience at least once! Graham apparently loved the place so much that he didn't want to sleep at night for fear of missing something. Seriously, Graham had the worst time sleeping while we were gone. Since the nights were so rough for him (and the rest of his family), his days were difficult too, due to sheer exhaustion. Graham made it very clear while we were gone that he missed his Daddy immensely as he called out for him several times a day. I definitely think Graham does best when we travel as a family unit-he seems pretty out of sorts when he doesn't have both Mama and Dada around!
Getting settled into our room. What more could a boy want than the remote, a very comfortable bed, and a snack-trap full of snacks!
I don't know how many times I told Graham that the toilet paper was not a toy and that he was to leave it alone. When I caught him this time, he immediately began wiping his nose with it-like he was going to fool me into thinking there was actually a purpose to enrolling an entire roll!
During the day my Dad attended business meetings (aka Golf) and my Mom and I did lots of exploring and hiking. We spent our evenings hanging out with Jeff's brother Jon and his sweet fiance Catherine though! Graham immediately took to both of them and they in return were very patient as we all tried to cope with Graham's moody, tired, typical toddler behavior.
Eating fortune cookies with Uncle Jon and Catherine (soon to be Auntie Catherine!)
Hiking in Garden of the Gods
Hiking in Garden of the Gods
We finally came to a point in the hike that didn't have a steep drop-off so Graham had the opportunity to explore on foot
Hiking is very tiring!
Our last adventure of the trip was exploring the area zoo. I can't say that I've been to too many zoo's around the country, but this one has to have the most picturesque location! It's actually built into the mountain and requires elevators to view the different exhibits as they're basically stacked on top of each other! The view of the mountains was spectacular and alone would have been worth the trip!
Despite the cool weather, we decided to brave the pool one evening. Uncle Jon and Graham had fun in the water together!
Our last adventure of the trip was exploring the area zoo. I can't say that I've been to too many zoo's around the country, but this one has to have the most picturesque location! It's actually built into the mountain and requires elevators to view the different exhibits as they're basically stacked on top of each other! The view of the mountains was spectacular and alone would have been worth the trip!
Feeding the giraffes- Graham was a bit apprehensive about his long, black tongue!
Riding the Tot Train. I really couldn't tell if Graham was enjoying himself...until it was time to get off...
Graham did a great job on both flights this trip. On the way home we even got to sit in first class which allowed Graham quite a bit of room to spread out his toys. I will say though, that I doubt Graham will ever be invited back into First Class. You'll probably notice that once on the plane, Graham is not wearing pants....There was a bit of an "issue" and due to poor planning on my part, I had nothing else to change him into. I've learned my lesson!
1 comment:
Hi Melissa!
I sure hope you don't mind that your Mom shared your blog with my mom, who knew I would love to see it too so passed it along to me! I must admit I have wasted way too much time at work reading all about your adorable family! You have documented every emotion, story, picture, etc. so well and I have truly enjoyed reading about your adventures. Oh and Graham could NOT BE ANY CUTER! Reading about the milestones has made me very excited as Eric (my husband) and I are expecting our first child in February. I just wanted to say hello and CONGRATS! I also realized we are neighbors! Eric and I live in Hopkins and I work at the border of Eden Prairie so it would be fun to run into you sometime. Again, congrats and thanks for letting me read your beautiful story! Laura (Holton) Hendrickson....my email is lehendrickson@gmail.com if you ever want to be in touch:)
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