Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 19, 2008

Grandma Withdrawal..

My parents are currently on vacation, so today Graham and I headed to their end of the city to check on their house for them. They've been gone for over a week at this point, and Graham wakes up each morning asking for his Grandma who he calls "Amma"... I guess that's how "Grandma" comes out of a 19 month old mouth. Each day, I've been telling Graham that she went on an airplane and that she'd be back soon. The problem with that explanation is that now, each plane he sees, whether it be in a book, a toy, or high in the sky, he points at it and calls out to his Amma. I would be RICH if I got even a dollar for each time I've had to tell Graham that "Yes, Grandma went on an airplane, but she'll be back soon". As you'll see in these video's (taken while we were checking on my parent's house), I used this same line over and over and over again with him...

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