We were then shown into a room with a comfortable black leather couch (I remember all the details!) and lots of toys. We were told to make ourselves comfortable and that our son would be arriving shortly. I got comfortable on the couch and Jeff got to work setting up the video camera and not more than two minutes later the door opened and in came our boy! His foster mother walked right up to me and immediately placed him in my arms. Since Jeff was trying to capture these first precious moments on film, I got the first cuddle! I think both Graham and I were a bit stunned and we just stared at each other. Was it really possible that in my arms was the little boy I had fallen in love with through written description and a few pictures? Those few minutes were by far some of the most intense, emotional, and amazing of my entire life. I get choked up just thinking about it.
This picture was taken just seconds after Graham was in my arms for the first time
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's officially been a year...
Exactly one year ago, September 17, 2007, we were united with our son for the first time in Korea. Time is such a funny thing. At times it feels like hardly any time has passed since that hot, sticky day in Seoul when Graham's foster mother handed him to me with tears in her eyes and yet at other times, it feels like we've always been together as a family. I will never forgot how nervous Jeff and I were that morning. How do you prepare yourself to meet your child and thank the woman who lovingly took care of him for the first eight months of his life? When we arrived at the agency, we had a few pieces of last minute paperwork to take care of. We had to produce our own passports as proof of our identity and sign a few documents. Although these last details probably took no longer than 15 minutes, it felt like an ETERNITY!!! Each time I heard a baby I wondered if that was Graham.
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