We were out the door bright and early this morning. Much to Jeff's dismay though, we weren't out the door quite early enough for a quick stop at Starbucks. Graham's Daddy has a
need (as he puts it) for coffee each morning and
unfortunately it just didn't happen today. We had our monthly class at Children's Home this morning. Before the parents and children
separate from each other, there is always some group time in order to ensure that the kids are all comfortable and settled. Today, there was a 'craft' for the kids to work on and being that I'm the one normally assisting Graham with his artwork, I thought it would be nice for Jeff to offer some guidance. I have to admit, I was pretty amused watching my boys diligently
finger paint a pumpkin!
Painting with Daddy. Next to Graham is his friend Liv assisted by her Daddy.
Normally after class we go straight home and try to coax Graham into eating lunch before he goes down for a nap. After playing all morning with his friends, he's normally very exhausted and keeping him awake that long can be quite challenging! Today though, our class was just the first item on our agenda, as we were on our way to help Alexandra celebrate her 1st Birthday! Graham had fun playing with all of Alexandra's toys and was most entertained watching her sit in her highchair with her birthday cake. Alex was very dainty with her treat and Graham stood in front of her doing the sign for 'food'. Apparently, he wanted the cake and I have a feeling he wouldn't have been so neat with an entire cake in front of him!
Miss Alex has quite the collection of musical instruments and each time we visit her, Graham always plays with this drum
Graham wanted to help the birthday girl open her gifts
Turning 1 is hard work and Alex needed a nap after indulging in her birthday cake. Graham went missing for a few minutes and I found him standing quietly next to a sleeping Alex and gently rubbing her head....how cute is that?
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