Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 18, 2008

'I No Know'

The past few days Graham has started to experience a vocabulary explosion! He's starting to put a few words together to create phrases and is repeating everything! In this video, you'll hear Graham tell us 'I no know' (translation-I don't know). Last night Jeff let Graham play with his wallet. Things got busy in our house, and soon enough, the wallet was forgotten about. Bright and early this morning as we're all trying to get out of the house to fill out the last of Amelia's paperwork at our adoption agency, Jeff realized that he didn't know where his wallet was. Unfortunately, the last person to see this wallet isn't even two years old. We were desperate for the wallet to reappear, and sure enough, just as we were ready to leave home without it, we found it!

Excuse the mess in the video clip, we turned the living room upside down in our frantic search...nothing was left unturned!

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