After a very long journey, we're finally home! The flight from Seoul to Chicago was not fun to put it nicely! Let's just say that Graham made sure that we would remember nearly every minute of it! We arrived in Chicago to find out our flight was two hours delayed which just thrilled us. We hadn't slept in 24 hours, and had eaten nothing more than a banana on the plane, so all we really wanted to do was get home. We did arrive safely though, and had quite the homecoming for our little guy at the airport! Thank you to everyone who was able to make it, it really meant a lot to have so many of our constant supporters waiting for us at the finish line! Graham was quite the ham at the airport. He cheered up immediately and was clapping his hands and laughing! It was so nice to see his personality coming through after him being so upset on the flight.
Last night was rough. Graham is really grieving right now. Each time he would wake up, he would see us and scream. I can only imagine how terrified he must be to wake up to strangers in a strange place. We know that this is all part of the process for him, and each day will only get better. The result until then though, are two very sleep deprived parents! I have much more to write, but am lacking on energy right now.
Here are a few pictures from our homecoming yesterday. I can't take credit for the pictures, they are compliments of Grandpa Olson, so thanks!
If anyone has any pictures of our arrival, I'd love to post them. Email me whatever you have, and I'll post it for everyone to see!
1 comment:
We have pictures and VIDEO clips of the arrival-- go to for access!! Enjoy! :-)
Congratulations again-- thank you for including all of us in your journey. Yesterday was a truly amazing experience-- it was so strange that there you were introducing your little boy for the first time, but it felt to everyone at the airport like you three had been together FOREVER! :-)
Get some rest while you can- Call if you need to brag/vent/cry. We love you all!
Um ya ya!
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