We had a really good day today. This morning we did some last minute shopping and this afternoon we met with Graham! When we arrived at the agency, Graham and his foster mother were alredy there. Graham was sleeping and the social worker stepped in to let us know that they'd both be leaving us alone for about an hour. We immediately began to panic a bit.....we're just supposed to sit in this little room with a sleeping baby and help him through his frightening wake up when he see's us rather than his foster mother?!?!? Hmmmmm.....I wish I had a camera in my hands at that very moment because the look of fear and immediate sweat on Jeff's face was priceless! Things actually went very well though! He woke up (ok, I'll be honest, we helped him wake up!) about 10 minutes later. He didn't cry at all. He was just very quite and had a serious look on his face as he tried to figure out who we were. We played for the next 15 minutes and even got some giggles and a smile out of him. That all changed when his foster mother returned though. As soon as he laid eyes on her, the tears started flowing! Once his diaper was changed though, he cheered right back up again!
I feel like I need to say something about Graham's foster mom. She is just wonderful. The love she has for our son is so obvious, and we owe her so much for being there for Graham for the past 7 months. At one point during our visit, she handed us a bag, and the contents were absolutely priceless....a photo album full of picture of his first 7 months, a birthday hanbok, and large professional pictures she had taken of him. She's a very special woman and we're going to make sure that Graham knows what an important role she played in his life.
As we leave tomorrow morning, please keep the following people in your thoughts-Graham's foster mother. I know that tomorrow is going to be very difficult for her. Graham-he is leaving for the journey of a lifetime and doesn't even know it. We can only hope for a smooth transition for him. And finally, Graham's birthmother. We want her to know, that we're going to take great care of him and raise him to be a confident child who will never have to question his self-worth. I wish we could thank her for the most difficult and selfless decision she's ever had to make. She's given us worlds greatest gift and as we raise Graham she will be held in the highest regard.
And, if you have any energy left to send good vibes, please think of Jeff and I, as we're crossing our fingers that we don't have too many exceptionally dirty diapers on the plane! :)
We're thrilled to be at the end of our journey and excited to hopefully see many of you at the airport on Thursday afternoon!
Dear Melissa, Jeff and Baby Graham,
We are so excited to see you at the airport tomorrow!!!!!!! Graham,you are such a CUTIE PIE!! Thank you, Melissa and Jeff for this wonderful blog and the priceless photos. You really kept us in touch and made us feel like we were "almost" there with you!
Mom :)
Dear Melissa, Jeff and Graham,
We wish you the very best! Our prayers are with you as you travel home. We are so happy that Graham had a wonderful foster mother in Korea. Thank you for sharing, through words and pictures, your experience. We can hardly wait to finally meet Graham, Alexandra's little buddy.
Love and God bless,
Rorie, Annamaria and Claude
Dear Melissa, Jeff and little Graham, what a sweetie!! I can't imagine what it's been like to finally be able to hold your little baby. It sounds like he's been so well-cared for, what a blessing!! I wish for you the very best as you travel back, not only to the US, but now on your journey together as a family. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. How precious!! warmest regards, Atsuko
Dear Beautiful Family, Thank you for sharing your story with touching words and photographs. You both look just right with your son. Meant to be! I will light our candle tonight and pray for all of you as well as the birth mother and foster mother.I wish I (with Grahams cousins) could be at the airport tomorrow but know that I will be thinking of you. Enjoy every moment on your journey. Love, Jan
Jeff and Melissa,
What a beautiful little boy Graham is! Charles and I are wishing you the best for your travels home. Let's plan a St. Olaf baby playdate! A perfect excuse to get everyone together to meet Graham for the first time!
Lots of love to you all,
Charles and Erin
Mel and Jeff
I am so excited for you both. Thanks so much for this blog. Every time I read it, it brings tears to my eyes. I can't wait to meet Baby Graham. By the time you read this you will be at home. I hope you had a wonderful flight with your family of three!! See you soon!
Hello Jeff and Melissa,
I heard about your exciting news and found your blog through Erin S. Congratulations! Graham is lucky to have such great parents. Your pictures are great---you look like you're going to be a very happy family.
Best wishes,
Natalie P.
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