Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 19, 2007


Graham has recently become a very good sleeper at night. He consistently sleeps from about 9:00 to anywhere between 7:00 and 8:30 without waking!!! THANK YOU GRAHAM! Naps during the day are a completely different story, but we're making progress, so I can't complain! I took this picture at 8:30 am just before I had to actually wake him up for the day! Who knows how long he would have continued sleeping had I let him!

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant last night with my family to celebrate my birthday. Graham did a pretty good job considering the fact that he had to be strapped into a highchair against his will. We've actually been to quite a few restaurants lately, and have one more restaurant meal on the calendar this weekend, but after that, I think we're done for a while. Going out for dinner used to be relaxing for Jeff and I-there was no cooking and best of all, no cleaning. Now, going out involves packing baby food, hauling along a large variety of toys, and best of all, no outing would be complete without changing a messy diaper on a not-so-sturdy plastic changing table in a bathroom while Graham squirms around trying to catch all the action. Apparently, public restrooms are very interesting to an almost 9 month old mind. There is water making noise in the sink, toilets flushing, ladies staring at Graham's face and commenting on his adorable cheeks, and best of all, the hand dryers make the most wonderful noise that it's worth spinning his body completely in a circle to see what's going on. Keep in mind that most of this is happening without a diaper being completely fastened on his body. It's all a very lovely experience, that's forced us to realize how much easier it is to just eat at home and not have to amuse a very curious and vocal baby out in public!


Erin said...

Happy Birthday, Melissa! Great post on your restaurant outings with Graham. Baird lasts about 7 minutes in a high chair before trying to stand up in it. We're not much for going out to dinner these days either. Have a great weekend!

Anne Hensley said...

I so look forward to these updates Melissa and I love the pics of Graham! Happy Birthday, and keep up the posts!