Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, October 22, 2007

An overdue update and lot's of pictures...

I've been asked many times over email the past few days why I haven't been updating the blog. So, for all the avid Graham fans out there, I'm sorry for slacking in my blogging duties! I was hit with a lovely round of food poisoning this weekend that left me doing nothing but sleeping. That meant that on Saturday, Jeff had "Graham Duty" all day long! While I drifted in and out of sleep during the day I could hear Jeff talking with Graham and I got a good laugh out of one of their one-sided conversations. It was mid-morning and I could tell that Jeff had been scurrying around the house trying to get everything in order when I heard loud and clear from the kitchen "Graham, I think your Mom must be on Speed! I have no idea how she keeps up with you all day!" What made this especially amusing to me was that this comment was made about 10:00 least 6-7 hours before I would normally have Jeff arriving home from work to provide some relief.

Yesterday I was feeling much better and decided to take Graham to visit my parents and allow Jeff some time to watch the football games in peace. Graham had a very good time visiting with his Grandparents and was especially pleased that not only did Grandpa let him hold the remote but he also got to check out the entertainment center! The entertainment center is off limits at our house, so this was a real treat for Graham considering his obsession with cords and lights! Graham's big accomplishment for the day was learning a new "word". Along with "buh buh buh" and "ma ma ma" he can now say "pop pop pop". We're excited to see that he's picking up the sounds in the English language so quickly. Pretty good considering he spent the first 8 months of his life responding to Korean!

Today is a big day in our house for two reasons. The first is that Graham turns 9 months old and the second is that our social worker came over for our first post-placement visit. The Korean government requires the social workers to "check" on us on two different occasions. Once after we've been home a month (today) and again when we've been home three months. Mary, our social worker, couldn't get over how well Graham seems to be adjusting and repeatedly told us that he's perfect. Well, we didn't need to hear that from a social worker. We're very proud first time parents and Graham has been perfect to us since the first time we saw his picture in June!

Enjoy these long overdue pictures of Graham! As long as food poisoning doesn't strike our house again, I promise you'll be seeing more regular updates!

He figured out the other door on the entertainment center this morning....way to make Daddy proud!

Graham still loves his least chewing on them!

I'm not sure what is more entertaining for Graham, the blocks, or the box they're stored in! Both seem to entertain him equally!

Our happy guy standing up!

"Helping" me unload the dishwasher

Happy Graham cruising around the kitchen in his walker!

Trying out some new cereal-General Mills of course!

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