Graham has been the proud owner of a
sippy cup for just over a week. But in that week, I don't think he's gotten one drop of liquid from his cup. Rather he's used it as a teething toy, enjoyed watching it fall over and over from his highchair tray, and taunted Annie with it by waving it in front of her face. Tonight at Target I spent a good amount of time in the
sippy cup aisle (yes, there are enough options to fill an entire aisle!) trying to figure out if there was a better option for him. I made my purchase and was excited to let him try it out. I'm happy to say that, the new cup did the trick. Graham is now successfully able to drink from his cup. This new skill of his won't replace any of his bottle feedings (I'm in no way ready to give up that time together!!!) but will just allow him to have something to drink as a snack or with his meal. We do have one small problem with this though.....Graham has a meltdown every time we try to take it away from him! Let's just say we think he's pretty proud of himself!
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