Graham was amusing himself with a newly discovered air vent near the stairs. I wish I knew what he finds so appealing about vents!

A few minutes later, Annie joined Graham at the bottom of the stairs. They both sat facing the stairs, while I'm sure Graham was debating what to do. Should be attempt to climb or go back to his toys? I pull him away from the stairs countless times each day and redirect him to a safer activity, but he continues to go back.

Graham gave into temptation, and with some encouragement from Annie, he began to climb the stairs. I'm not thrilled that Graham has mastered the stairs, but I did think it was cute that Annie sat patiently a step or two ahead of Graham until he made it successfully to the top.
1 comment:
ChanSoon said: Oh, you even made an impact on your dog, Annie. That's why she is so patient, caring and nurturing. Graham is super lucky to have you and Annie to watch over him.
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