Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 4, 2007

A trip to the zoo...

Graham is mesmerized by the fish aquarium in the waiting room of his pediatrician, and he loves to watch Annie, so we thought he'd be entertained by a trip to the zoo. Because the weather is unseasonably warm right now, this afternoon, accompanied by Auntie Lynn we set out for the zoo, where we also met up with Amy, Dave, and baby Alexandra.

This is Graham checking out the monkey's!

Our family of three (FINALLY!)

Petting (aka slapping) the big bronze turtle. Graham also tried to get the turtles head into his mouth at which point we decided to move onto the next exhibit.

Graham and Baby Alex. Notice the matching St. Olaf pom poms :)

Hanging out with Daddy!

Playing with Auntie Lynn

All tired out from his first trip to the zoo. Daylight savings isn't helping his sleeping too much today either. For some reason, he just didn't understand that he was supposed to sleep an hour later this morning instead of waking up at the crack of dawn! We're going to have to help him see the benefit of that extra nighttime hour next fall!

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