Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday in the life of Graham

I am happy to report that Graham has nothing against the Nordstrom Cafe (thank goodness, because I love it there!). We met up with Tiffiny and Livia again today and Graham did great. He happily sat in his highchair for nearly two hours while we chatted. Like usual, he was content waving at other customers and would occasionally shout something out to Liv who would occasionally answer back. It's going to be pretty cute when the babies can actually babble back and forth to each other!

Our trek from the parking lot at the Mall of America to the restaurant included a ride in an elevator. Normally this would be nothing to note, but because of our company in the elevator, I feel like I need to mention it. An older man got in the elevator with us and began to smile at Graham. He then looked at me and told me how cute he was. I thanked him, and pulled the stroller slightly back, as I felt he was getting a bit too close. He then proceeded to ask me, in these exact words "How much did you pay for him?". I was SHOCKED and didn't know how to respond but I think I muttered something about paying for legal fees, and NOT paying for children. He then knelt down in front of the stroller and pinched Graham's cheeks. I'm not sure if he really pinched that hard or if Graham just didn't like the stranger that close, but he burst into tears and was inconsolable in his stroller to the point that I had to take him out and carry him through the mall all the while trying to manage a stroller, diaper bag, and two puffy winter jackets. I'm going to have to think long and hard about how to answer such ignorant questions in the future. I often wonder if some individuals forget to use their filters when speaking!!! I'm glad Graham was able to enjoy lunch today because after that experience, I was more than ready to sit down and enjoy a relaxing meal!

When I went to get Graham up from his afternoon nap, I discovered that we have a little magician on our hands. The following is a picture of what I discovered....

No, he didn't get out of his crib, but he did take off his jeans and a sock. I'm just happy he stopped at the pants and didn't go for the diaper!

Today Graham got some mail from Grandma and Grandma Olson. Here is Graham studying his card that came complete with stickers!

Modeling his prized sticker. I'm sure he enjoyed these stickers much more than the ones from the doctor. After all, he didn't have to endure a shot to receive these! Notice the spatula-he carries it everywhere!!!

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