In my
pre-Mommy life, Friday's meant complete freedom to do what ever I wanted! I could say good-bye to work for two entire days, I could stay out late at night and in turn sleep late in the morning! Although I can still stay up late if I choose, I no longer have the luxury of sleeping in. Graham goes to sleep each night at exactly the same time which means he gets up at exactly the same early hour each morning. Thankfully, he doesn't realize that when his sleepy head hits his crib each evening, the night still goes on for his parents! We can do what we want with our evenings, but we proceed with the understanding that our human alarm clock doesn't have a snooze button. I'm certainly not complaining about any of these changes. Actually, it's the complete opposite. I'm still in awe each day that I get to be Mommy to such a wonderful, funny, sweet, and loving little boy. I'm
truly living out my dream. Friday's now mean that Jeff is able to say good-bye to work for two entire days and become an extra set of eyes, ears, and hands for our constantly exploring little monkey....and for that, I am thankful!
We really didn't do much today. Actually, I shouldn't say that...we didn't do much outside of the house today. We stayed in and played for most of the day, and I just got to enjoy Graham's company. We read MANY books together, climbed up and down the stairs countless times, and I got to see Graham play with his airplane toy and for the first time he added his own sound effects! It was so cute to watch him hold the plane above the ground while he made a buzzing noise!
Uncle Peter would be so proud!
Graham is also normally very curious about what goes on in the kitchen sink. So, this afternoon, I filled it up with water, added a few bath toys, and watched him have a great time!
Graham looks so big standing up at the sink on a chair!
Taking it all in....
He is one happy kid!
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