Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Graham's Great Day

Graham had a great day today. He woke up in a fantastic mood and it just continued throughout the day! He was thrilled at breakfast when rather then cutting up his banana into tiny pieces, I just handed him the entire thing and let him go at it. His smile as he held his prized piece of fruit was priceless! After his morning nap we went to school where even the teacher commented that Graham got the "award" for being the most chatty today! He appeared to be in conversation for the entire class. Whether he was talking with other children or toys, I'm just not sure though! Graham even got to make a quick trip to the library where he was allowed to crawl around on the kiddie chairs and play with the toys. The best part of the day though, was our trip to the park. Yes, there is still snow on the ground (thankfully it's melting!) but 50 degrees in Minnesota definitely warrants some time to play outside! Graham is so happy being outside-he squeals, he smiles, he laughs, he just loves it!

Crawling around at the library....notice the cookie hanging out of his mouth?

Concentrating hard on a puzzle...

So happy to be outside!


Graham had so much fun playing in this tunnel. I was at one end at Jeff at the other so he went back and forth between us countless times!

Swinging is the best!

Graham is stronger than we give him credit for. At one point, he was actually holding himself up on the monkey bars!


Unknown said...

Jeffrey and Melissa,
You really deserve to receive the best parents award. :)
Graham's contented smiles are the evidence of your superb parenting skills.
Grandma Olson

Anne said...

I wholeheartedly agree!! You two are doing an absolutely wonderful job.



Kris Greer said...

Baby Graham,
You are one lucky boy to have such loving, caring parents who cherish you!
Grandma Greer :)