Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The first "no jacket" day of the season!

Due to an insanely long winter that just wouldn't end, I've spent the last few weeks wondering why anyone chooses to live here. Today though, on an amazingly warm and beautiful day, I was reminded why. In trade of for the harsh winters we survive, Minnesotans are rewarded with fantastic Springs, Summers, and Falls. It's so exciting to me that we could comfortably play outside today without a jacket on. Thank goodness the days of hats and mittens are behind us!

My mom and our good friend Linda (who Graham just LOVES) came over for a visit today. After lunch we decided to take advantage of the sun and head down to the park. We're lucky to have a great park just two driveways down from us! Graham insisted on walking (with the assistance of a finger to steady himself) most of the way. For an adult, the distance between our house and the park is nothing, in fact, it's so close I could hear Annie barking out of frustration for being left behind. For Graham and his little legs though, that's quite the distance when you're learning to walk! Graham was very happy to be propped up in the swing for quite a while. It gave him the perfect view to watch the many airplanes that flew overhead. This kid doesn't miss a single plane! Each time he even hears them, he begins to scream and point at the sky!

Could there be any more joy on his face?

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