Exactly one year ago, I knew that our referral would be coming sometime soon. But for some reason, on that Friday morning when the phone rang and I saw on caller ID that it was Children’s Home, for some reason I was caught completely off guard. After 2 failed referrals, perhaps I was protecting myself and not allowing myself to get my hopes up that this call could actually be “The Call”. But it was, and it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Previously, both referrals calls came when Jeff was at work. One call he took and reported to me and the other I took and reported to him. Looking back, it makes sense that when the call came for our son, that we’d be together to celebrate. I know that we were both meant to be home on that Friday morning. Jeff should have been at work, we could have been up at the lake…we could have been anywhere. But, we were both at home when the phone rang that morning and we got to celebrate becoming parents together. I will never forget listening to our social worker on speaker phone as she described our son to us. I will never forget what it felt like to breathe deeply and know that this time it was finally for real. I will never forget the look on Jeff’s face when our eyes met and we realized that after a horrendous wait, this was finally happening. I will never forget anything about that morning…
It’s hard to believe that an entire year has passed since that morning. In the past year, I can say with complete certainty that Jeff and I have felt more love, joy, and happiness that we ever dreamed possible. It is amazing how much more wonderful our life is with Graham. Saying that our life is more wonderful with him hardly does it justice. We hardly remember what life was like before him, and we don’t want to try. Thank you Graham for making our dream come true!!!
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