Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lake Harriet

Today we headed out to brave the heat and humidity to meet up with our friends Tiffiny and Liv. We decided to meet at Lake Harriet to take a morning walk and have a picnic lunch. No trip into the "city" for me is complete without getting lost which I not surprisingly accomplished both heading there, and coming home. And yes, I'm embarrassed to admit that I got lost even with my GPS. Graham and I did arrive in one piece and on time though for a great walk around the lake. The babies took turns babbling to each other and eyeing up the other ones cup of juice. Hey, in the world of a baby, a sippy cup is a pretty hot commodity! We found a great picnic shelter with tables and a much needed breeze and had a great lunch. I'm always surprised by how much attention these two babies get when we're out in public. While we were eating, a cute little lady came up and told us how beautiful our children are, then just continued to smile and stare at them. I have to agree with her, they're both simply adorable! I'm also pleased to report that Graham ate his picnic lunch today. I don't want to jinx anything, but I really feel like we've turned a corner with his food throwing issue. I think that was just a phase (a horribly annoying one) and I'm sure now that I think I've got him figured out, he'll go ahead and change again. I guess that's his job, to keep his MaMa on her toes.

Checking out the water....I promise that there really were ducks the kids were watching. We didn't just park them in front of green murky water for their entertainment!

Liv is showing off her cute white sandals for Graham!

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