Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 23, 2008

We Survived!

Well, I'm pleased to report that our home study was completed this afternoon and went off without a hitch! I'll post home study details tomorrow on Graham's little sister's blog ( I love the way that sounds!!!

We decided to go out for dinner this evening to celebrate completing our milestone. Graham obviously had no idea what we were celebrating, but he did know we were happy, and not even the flying bread compliments of Graham could have put a damper on our moods!

Amusing himself by trying to cram his puffs into his straw...

Making his "kissy" face

As if we weren't full enough from dinner, we decided to go get some ice cream at what I consider to be the absolute best ice cream in the entire city-Sebastian Joe's! Graham was happy to see that not only did they have child size chairs in their outdoor seating area but also a giant turtle sculpture! After our delicious treat and a walk around the neighborhood we strapped Graham back into his carseat and headed home. Graham was fast asleep long before we pulled into the driveway....definitely the sign of a really great night!

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