Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Working Weekend

We didn't head up to the lake this weekend like we usually do. Instead, in honor of our first home study visit tomorrow, we stayed in town and had a working weekend. Saturday we spent the day doing yard work, and today was spent working inside. There's nothing like a little scrutiny to get your house in tip top shape! I know in the end our social worker will spend no more than 2 seconds taking a quick peek into each room, but still, we want to have a nice clean, and organized house to show. After working from a "to-do" list all weekend, we realized just how hard it is to completely finish a task while chasing a little one around. Trying to get work done with a toddler sure is a challenge. Yesterday, Jeff and I took turns working in the yard and while it wasn't our turn to be doing yard work, we were on Graham duty. Luckily, he's thrilled with his new pool so it wasn't too difficult to keep him entertained on the deck.

Graham is giving Annie a drink of water straight from a watering can.
Today Graham was a bit cranky. He's got three teeth coming in right now, and it's really throwing him for a loop. When he woke up from his nap he just wanted to be held. He didn't want his Daddy to touch him and he didn't want his precious Annie anywhere near him. All he wanted to do was sit quietly on my lap. So, sit we did. I was finally able to pry him off my lap with the promise of some milk and soon enough he was smiling and eating dinner. The night only got better for him when he got to "drive" his new car all around the neighborhood!
Comfy on Mommy's lap...

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