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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Graham's Busy Weekend

We began our weekend with a BBQ with our friends Sara and Chris. Graham tried repeatedly to say Sara's name, which comes out "RaRa" (hey, you've got to give him credit for trying!) and enjoyed "meowing" at her cats. During dinner, I was cutting corn off the cob for Graham to eat. I should have known that Mr. Independent wouldn't want to eat his corn in that manner when the rest of us us got the entire cob. So, I handed Graham the entire piece of corn and he went to town...a vegetable he'll eat...unbelievable!!! Now, if we could only figure out how to get him to eat the green stuff too!

Saturday brought great weather so we headed to the beach. Jeff and Graham played in the water and I got to relax for a bit and read a magazine. That may not sound like a big deal, but the fact that I was able to sit and read uninterrupted was a treat! Quiet time for me is a luxury hard to come by!

When it was time for lunch we pulled out Graham's car and strapped him in. This kid eats like crazy when he's in his car! I'm still trying to figure out why he's always trying to get his feet "up" while he's eating though. He loves to put his feet on the table at home and becomes very frustrated when we insist he put them down, and here he is at the beach looking very comfortable with his feet resting on the steering wheel. I guess he's just a casual guy!

After discovering a flat tire on my car this morning and killing quite a bit of time at Costco while they repaired it (how I got 3 nails in 2 different tires is beyond me!) we decided to end our weekend with a Ben and Jerry's ice cream treat on the shore of Lake Minnetonka. It was such a beautiful evening so ice cream outside was a perfect way to enjoy a lazy Sunday night.

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