On Monday mornings Graham attends his little music class. Mr. Social is so comfortable there that he marches confidently into the room each week and makes the rounds in our circle stopping at nearly every person to offer a smile or clap his hands for them. He also loves to perform...when most kids are sitting, Graham does what his teacher has started calling "interpretive dance" in the middle of the circle. Let's just say that he really "feels" the music and dances with a giant grin on his face. My goal is to get a video of him in action sooner than later. At one point during class I noticed Graham and a little girl playing together. This little girl then grabbed Graham's finger and before I could stop her, decided to take a nice big bite of his hand. Needless to say, Graham was in tears, but thankfully, she didn't break the skin. It was surprising to me that this little girls mom didn't even acknowledge what had happened. I guess we know who not to sit near next week!
After music class we ran a few errands-shoe shopping for me(Graham doesn't enjoy this) and a quick trip to Trader Joe's (Graham does like this). Graham's frustrations of the morning were quickly washed away with a brand new balloon!

On a completely different note, Graham learned a new word today. "Bus" is no longer his newest word. Today he made my Mom EXTREMELY happy when he said "Gama"! She and her friend Linda joined us for a bit this afternoon, and it was in the shoe department that Graham made my Mom's day! At first, I didn't believe her when she reported what Graham said. But, sure enough, much to my Mom's delight he said "Gama" several times this afternoon.
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