Before Graham had the chance to help his Grandpa open his presents, we had a very important stop to make. This evening was Graham's open house for school! Two weeks from today Graham returns to school. It was kind of sad to walk past his "baby" classroom from last year and continue down the hall to the classroom for toddlers. My little guy is growing so fast! There is one main difference in the way his class will be structured this year. Parents and children will be together for about 30 minutes, and for the remaining hour, the parents go into an adjoining classroom for parent education while the children remain with their own teacher and classroom aides. I've been assured that the door between the two classroom sections remains open, there is a giant viewing window, and the children are allowed to come in to "visit" for comfort. Even with all this knowledge, I've been wondering how Graham would do with this separation. Judging by his reaction this evening though, I have absolutely nothing to worry about. As soon as we stopped in the doorway to meet Graham's teacher, he took off into the crown and got busy playing. He didn't care that the room was full of strangers, all he cared about was a room full of new toys! As he grows, he's asserting his confidence and independence more and more each day!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Before Graham had the chance to help his Grandpa open his presents, we had a very important stop to make. This evening was Graham's open house for school! Two weeks from today Graham returns to school. It was kind of sad to walk past his "baby" classroom from last year and continue down the hall to the classroom for toddlers. My little guy is growing so fast! There is one main difference in the way his class will be structured this year. Parents and children will be together for about 30 minutes, and for the remaining hour, the parents go into an adjoining classroom for parent education while the children remain with their own teacher and classroom aides. I've been assured that the door between the two classroom sections remains open, there is a giant viewing window, and the children are allowed to come in to "visit" for comfort. Even with all this knowledge, I've been wondering how Graham would do with this separation. Judging by his reaction this evening though, I have absolutely nothing to worry about. As soon as we stopped in the doorway to meet Graham's teacher, he took off into the crown and got busy playing. He didn't care that the room was full of strangers, all he cared about was a room full of new toys! As he grows, he's asserting his confidence and independence more and more each day!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A trip to the Minnesota State Fair!
I suppose I should mention the fact that we did more than just eat at the fair today. We did stop to see some pretty cute animals as well!
Monday, August 25, 2008
My meat loving boys...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Family Dinner
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Next Food Network Star
We've been in the market for a play kitchen for a while now. When Graham and I attended our ECFE classes during the school year, he, like every single one of his classmates, was drawn the the miniature kitchen. It's been a challenge for us to find one that A)wouldn't take up half of our living space B)didn't look too girly and C)was a good price. Today our search ended and Graham finally has his very own kitchen. I might even suggest that it's nicer than our real kitchen! With its "stainless" appliances and "granite" counter tops, it's actually pretty trendy!
The first video is of Graham discovering his new toy. I had a strong hunch that Graham would have a cute reaction to seeing his kitchen for the very first time. So, I was ready and waiting with the camera...
In the second video, Graham is cooking up a storm!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back home safe and sound (and completely exhausted!)...
which was quite a treat and a resort everyone should try to experience at least once! Graham apparently loved the place so much that he didn't want to sleep at night for fear of missing something. Seriously, Graham had the worst time sleeping while we were gone. Since the nights were so rough for him (and the rest of his family), his days were difficult too, due to sheer exhaustion. Graham made it very clear while we were gone that he missed his Daddy immensely as he called out for him several times a day. I definitely think Graham does best when we travel as a family unit-he seems pretty out of sorts when he doesn't have both Mama and Dada around!
Our last adventure of the trip was exploring the area zoo. I can't say that I've been to too many zoo's around the country, but this one has to have the most picturesque location! It's actually built into the mountain and requires elevators to view the different exhibits as they're basically stacked on top of each other! The view of the mountains was spectacular and alone would have been worth the trip!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Graham's first ice cream cone...
After dinner, getting some ice cream sounded like a great idea. If it were up to me, I'd live off of ice cream, and the fact that we were in fact celebrating this evening, helped me justify this indulgence. Graham has had ice cream on many occasions, but this evening, for the very first time, we let him have his very own cone of frozen vanilla custard. He was thrilled to say the least!
Could he be any happier?
On a completely different note, Graham and I are heading off to Colorado with my parents (unfortunately Jeff is unable to come with because of it being a busy time at work) for a few days. We're looking forward to spending lots of time at the pool (we're hoping for sunny, warm weather) and also catching up with Graham's Uncle Jon and his fiance Catherine. We'll be back mid-week, and although I'll be taking lots of pictures, I'm going to take a blogging break while we're away. Stay tuned for pictures of Graham's first mountain adventure when we return home!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Monkey boy is back...
In the past few days, Graham has taken his climbing abilities to new heights. He's figured out how to climb onto the couch and proudly clap for himself when he accomplishes his task. I've also caught him moving dining room table chairs around the kitchen so he's able to climb up and retrieve off limit objects from the counter. He's also been working really hard on successfully climbing up onto our red suede chair. He's able to do it about half the time and the other half of the time he ends up in some strange contorted position yelling for help. So although it might seem strange in this video to hear us actually encouraging him to climb, I'd rather him be able climb safely than get hurt. I've had to accept that there's no stopping our monkey boy!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A jam-packed day!
This evening we enjoyed dinner with my family and some family friends. Graham was all smiles for his fans and enjoyed showing off his knowledge of body parts and animal noises. If Graham could talk, I believe he would say the highlight of his evening was being allowed to dig in a giant pot of dirt with a long really doesn't get any more "boy" than Graham!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
He's at it again...
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Batttle for Bedtime
After trying to convince Graham that a morning nap was a good idea for both of us, and disappointingly I was not successful in my quest for sleep, I decided I needed to completely tire him out. I still don't understand how he wasn't completely exhausted when I myself could barely keep my eyes open. So, we headed to the park where I let Graham run completely wild and carry his golf club with him. My plan worked because after lunch, Graham could barely keep his eyes open and soon enough he was sleeping. I began to rush around the house trying to pick up and just as I was getting comfortable on the couch for a nap of my own, Graham woke up...
My mom was running errands on this end of the city this afternoon so before dinner we headed out together to pick up a few things at the store. Graham is continually amused with sunglasses, so here he is modeling his Grandma's glasses!