Jeff's parents split their summer up this year with time in both Korea and Hawaii. They returned home last week, and last night we had them over for dinner to hear all about their adventures abroad and let Graham show off all of his newly acquired "tricks"! Graham was absolutely delighted with his new Korean police car compliments of his Halmoni and Halabeoji (Grandma and Grandpa in Korean...unfortunately it's going to be a while before Graham's able to call them correctly by their names). This car is has doors that open and close, flashing lights, and very realistic sirens that I could hear in my sleep last night!
In honor of our day of not doing much, I promised myself I wouldn't subject Graham to the horrors of his car seat (lately he's not too happy with any ride longer than 5 minutes). So, we started our morning with a walk. Graham insisted on carrying along two of his plastic golf clubs though so I'm sure we looked pretty funny as Graham pointed with his bright red driver at every dog he saw. Then, I packed a picnic lunch and headed to the park. Today was the first time that Graham was able to climb to the top of the structure all on his own! Normally he'll crawl up the stairs then immediately turn around. Today, he walked up the entire way safely holding onto the railing. What a big boy! Thanks to his new Keens, he's also got super-human traction that allowed him to climb up the slide. He's much prouder of that accomplishment than I am! I wish I understood why children think it's so much more fun to climb up a slide than to ride down...
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