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Friday, August 22, 2008

The Next Food Network Star

We've been in the market for a play kitchen for a while now. When Graham and I attended our ECFE classes during the school year, he, like every single one of his classmates, was drawn the the miniature kitchen. It's been a challenge for us to find one that A)wouldn't take up half of our living space B)didn't look too girly and C)was a good price. Today our search ended and Graham finally has his very own kitchen. I might even suggest that it's nicer than our real kitchen! With its "stainless" appliances and "granite" counter tops, it's actually pretty trendy!

The first video is of Graham discovering his new toy. I had a strong hunch that Graham would have a cute reaction to seeing his kitchen for the very first time. So, I was ready and waiting with the camera...

In the second video, Graham is cooking up a storm!


Amy said...

WOW!!! What an awesome kitchen! I can't wait to try some of your delicacies, Graham!

Steve and Krisanna said...

I remember how I loved my play kitchen! It looks like Graham loves his!

The hardcover book is a great idea! Send me an email with link/info. Thanks!