Our flight to Colorado was a family reunion of sorts so Graham wasn't short on willing family member to entertain him. Jeff's parents were seated directly behind us on the plane, so Graham amused himself for quite a while by popping up to say 'hello' and play a few rounds of 'peek-a-boo'.
After an uneventful and sleepless flight for Graham, we made our way to the hotel to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive as I wondered how Graham would hold up for the evening. He really wasn't feeling well, and because of the time change , the dinner didn't even start until Graham is normally fast asleep. I had visions of him throwing food and screaming out of frustration during the toasts. Thankfully, I couldn't have been more wrong. Graham was a perfect angel! I am not exaggerating and anyone in attendance that evening, will tell you that Graham wasn't anything less than charming for the entire evening! WAY TO GO GRAHAM!
When it came time for the toasts, I pulled out my secret weapon...a box of raisins! I've recently discovered that giving Graham his own box of raisins to manipulate keeps him occupied and quiet for at least 10 minutes. Not only did it keep Graham busy, but he decided that he wanted to be more involved in the toasting process. When the guests would raise their glasses to toast, Graham would put his raisins in the air and 'clink' them with the glasses of his neighbors. When the guests were laughing at a toast, Graham always had to be the last one laughing and would throw his hands in the air and giggle until his voice was the last one heard. To say that he enjoyed entertaining the crowd is a definite understatement!

After a rough night with a very minimal amount of sleep, I again wondered how Graham would hold up for the wedding. And again, I was pleasantly surprised. I think it's time that I give my little guy more credit for being able to hold it together when it really counts! Other than a small melt down when the band began to play (Graham was petrified of the string bass) he did a pretty good job. During the ceremony, raisins and a few cell-phones were our saving grace and during the reception slices of lemons kept him smiling for quite a while. Both the ceremony and reception took place at a beautiful castle right in the mountains and during our down time, Graham had a great time running around the grounds and going up and down the stairs countless time. I was hoping all the fresh air and activity would encourage a good nights sleep, but that wasn't in our cards. Graham (and his exhausted parents) wouldn't get a good nights sleep until we were safely back home. For Graham, there really is no place like home!

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