Tomorrow Graham will be leaving for his next adventure. We're flying to Colorado Springs because his Uncle Jon is getting married! Wouldn't you know it though, that today, of all days, both my big boy and my little boy woke up with nasty colds. I'm preparing myself for what could be a challenging few nights at a hotel with Graham. Sleeping at hotels isn't somethings he's mastered quite yet, and I'm guessing his displeasure
regarding his sleeping arrangement is going to be heightened as he's not feeling well. At least I'm not sick...if both parents go down, there's a real problem! Since Graham has come home it seems as though I've developed super human genes. :) Other than food poisoning (which I
unfortunately had no control over) I've yet to be sick even a single time. I'm ingesting vitamin C in mass quantities and hoping that my healthy luck holds out. Wish me luck!
I won't be updating the blog while we're away, but check back in a few days for an update on our most recent Colorado adventure. I can promise you some very cute photo's of Graham...let's just say that his wedding attire makes him look like a living doll!
Since my little guy isn't in a picture taking mood today, I thought I'd include a cute photo from this weekend. Here are the boys reading the Sunday paper-Jeff with his cup of coffee and the sports section and Graham with his milk and the Target ad.
Have a great time in Colorado! Hopefully the mountain air will clear up Graham's system and he will be healthy and happy at the wedding!
Hi. In an earlier post you wrote:
"Our next stop was the Narum House. Jeff proudly showed Graham where he spent what he describes as the best semester of his St. Olaf career living in this house with his best friends. Thankfully, there was no sighting of "CDG" have to be a Narum clan member to understand the significance of this! :)"
I grew up in that house, and I am at a loss regarding "CDG"!?
--David Narum
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