Recently, Graham has made several attempts to lift his Diaper Genie but has always been unable to do so. In his defense, it does get pretty heavy when it's full of diapers. So, when Graham wandered into his room and I could hear him pushing the Diaper Genie around on the wood floor, I didn't think anything of it, since he can't lift it, right? WRONG! Here came Graham, grunting and huffing and puffing, and obviously working very hard to get his 'toy' out of his room. Because I was so tired, I just decided to just sit back and see what it was exactly that Graham wanted to do with his heavy hunk of plastic.
Graham must have had a plan all along because he headed straight for the kitchen, never stopping once. When the Diaper Genie was lined up 'just so' in front of the sliding door, Graham moved on to his next activity. I really do wonder what he was thinking! And no, the diaper genie did not stay in the kitchen. Much to Graham's dismay, I did return it to the proper spot next to the changing table.
What a funny guy-- maybe it was just Phase One of his remodeling efforts, and the changing table will be next! (It's always nice to have a floor-to-ceiling view when you're getting your diaper changed)
Oh, Graham, you are a funny little boy! You make me laugh!
Grandma :)
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