Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 8, 2008

Belated Weekend Pics

Yesterday Graham had the opportunity to help make gingerbread cookies for the very first time. As you can see in the photos below, he got right in on the action by standing on a chair up at the counter.
Concentrating very hard on getting the molasses directly into the hole...

Spooning flour into the bowl proved to be great fun for Graham

After the cookies were baking, the real fun began for Graham. Grandpa Greer allowed Graham to play with his saxophone! Grandpa Greer doesn't play anymore so nobody, not even Graham, is lucky enough to hear a tune! Maybe if Graham asks really, really nicely, his Grandpa will cave in! :)
It doesn't get any better than a giant horn!

Fitting the mouth piece

I'm sure his look of concern is a result of an out of tune note

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