We've arrived home safely from our adventures in sunny Arizona! It was a great few days of introducing Graham to family and soaking up the warm sun! We left Minneapolis on Friday morning and Graham treated the entire plane to a concert of sorts. He screamed nearly the entire ride....let's just say that he was not a happy passenger. He was so overly tired and just couldn't seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, so we ended up walking up and down the aisle for quite a while. We were very happy to get off the plane in Phoenix and I'm sure the entire crew was happy to see us go! We spent our time in Phoenix visiting with family and introducing Graham to his Arizona relatives! They had all heard so much about him and watched him grow through pictures on the blog, so I know they were happy to see him in person! Since the weather is still so cold here, we took advantage of the warm weather down there, and spent as much time outside as we possibly could. It was so nice to be able to let Graham play outside without having to bundle him up. He loved taking walks in his stroller without his restrictive marshmallow winter coat! Some of Graham's favorite outdoor activities from our trip included- meeting up with my cousin Angie and her three adorable little boys for a trip to the zoo, meeting up with my cousin Todd to watch his girls play in a soccer tournament, playing at the park, and crawling around in the grass! Spring just can't come to Minnesota fast enough!
After the rough flight down to Arizona, I was admittedly nervous about getting on the plane today. When we got to the airport and learned that our flight was delayed I wasn't thrilled. Graham was already annoyed with the commotion of the morning, and the last thing I wanted to do was entertain him at the airport any longer than need be. We survived though...We finally made it onto the plane with all of our gear and I began to mentally prepare myself for two hours and forty four minutes (who's counting!) of screaming. Thankfully, this was all unnecessary though, because Graham fell asleep the minute we took off, and didn't wake up until we were getting ready to land! The ride home was very peaceful for all involved!
I always knew that Graham is a child that thrives on routine, and after traveling for the past few days with him, I am more certain of that than ever. He was visibly excited to get home and be reunited with his toys. He was THRILLED to crawl into his room and see his crib. He actually started trying to climb it, like he wanted to get in, so into his crib he went. Graham crawled around in his crib making squealing noises and cuddling his stuffed crib companions. It was a fantastic trip for us, but after time away, it's always good to be home and it's especially good to know that Graham is so happy with the home we've created for him!
Enjoy the many pictures of our trip to Phoenix!

Graham was in a very independent and feisty mood and would only eat his ice cream treat if he was allowed to feed himself. So, I handed him the spoon and let him go for it. About half the ice cream made it to his mouth, and the other half created a sticky mess on his shirt!

Graham is thrilled to be swinging! The squeeling noises that go along with his joyful face were just priceless!

This is Graham playing in the back of the SUV as we were picking it up from the airport. He was having a great time climbing on the suitcases. I kept calling him to come towards me so I could lift him out and get him into the carseat, but instead of coming like I wanted him to, he crawled further away and started clapping for himself.

Grahm hanging out with his puppy friends at Uncle Bob and Auntie Emily's house.

Graham is all smiles at his first trip to "In-N-Out Burger"!

Graham's cousins were playing in a soccer tournament and we stopped by to watch a game. Here is Graham enjoying his first ever bite of a dounut after the game!

Smiling in the sun! How cool does Graham look in his shades?

Mesmerized by the giraffe at the zoo!

"The Boy's" during their trip to the zoo

Playing in the water on a warm afternoon!

Tired out and fast alseep on the plane ride home!!!!
1 comment:
Thank you (again) for a wonderful glimpse into the life of Graham in Phoenix. I laughed until the tears ran down my cheeks.
Grandpa Olson
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