Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Graham and Isaac

Today we got to visit my good friend Jodi and her sweet little guy, Isaac. Jodi and I worked together at the Academy, and thanks to her being on spring break, we had the chance to hang out this afternoon. Luckily, between Jodi's dog and Isaac's toys, there was plenty to keep Graham and his curious mind busy. We even found a way to keep both babies happy and entertained while we got to chat over lunch. Graham isn't normally happy to be contained in any sort of "exersaucer", but this one was new to him, so it did the trick!

After a yogurt smoothie for Graham and a bottle for Isaac, we had two very sleepy babies on our hands!

1 comment:

Amy said...

What sweet guys they are!! I can't believe how big Isaac is already-- oh, how all of our lives have changed from a year ago... :-)