Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 19, 2008


This has been a busy week for us, and I'm glad the weekend is here to bring some quiet time before all the holiday craziness. Jeff came home early today (WOO HOO!) and as I sit downstairs updating the blog, I'm listening to Jeff play the piano (for those of you that have heard him play, you know this is quite a treat) and I hear the occasional 'Good dancing, Graham!'. As much as I'm tempted to take a peek at the boys, I'm enjoying my few minutes of not being the responsible one, and soaking up the music. Now, if only I could convince Jeff to play more often....hint, hint, Jeff!

This morning Graham was able to burn off an enormous amount of energy when we met Kelly and Maddie and Edinborough Park. Maddie and Graham had a fantastic time climbing, running, throwing balls, kicking balls, jumping, and pushing each other around on scooters. Thank goodness indoor parks exist, because Minnesota winters don't really lend themselves to children being able to play outside too often.

After our picnic lunch, we packed up and headed home. My plan, was to sing, clap, and act goofy enough to keep Graham awake until we got home. As you can see, not even his very own box of raisins could keep him up. Actually, he didn't even make it out of the parking lot!

1 comment:

Kelly Good said...

Maddie was asleep within minutes of being strapped in her carseat as well. Then I couldn't get her back down for a real nap once home- I tried for an hour. She went to bed super early last night! They had a blast there!!