Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Just one more....
Home for 1 Week!
The first few days home were very, very difficult, but we think we've turned a corner. Graham has gone from waking up every 20 minutes (no exaggeration) during the night, to now just waking just once for a bottle then going back to sleep until 7:30 or 8. Not too bad! Over the past week, here are some things we've learned about our little guy
-hates greenbeans, but LOVES bananas!
-loves any toy that makes noise
-loves to go after any sort of cord....cell phone chargers are his favorite!
-likes to look at his reflection in the oven and dishwasher
-loves to be carried on Mommy or Daddy's back, but still isn't too sure about being carried on the front
-does NOT like to sit in the cart at Target (we're going to have to work on that one!)
-likes to stare at Annie
-loves to go for walks
-loves to be in his walker and move around the kitchen. When the fridge is open, he can't seem to get there fast enough!
-gets very impatient when the food isn't being spooned into his mouth fast enough....let's just say we've got a VERY good eater on our hands!
Here are some more pictures of our little man. As long as people still look, we'll keep the pictures coming!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Pictures of Graham
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Video of Graham's Homecoming!
We're still VERY sleep deprived which is the reason for the delay in a written update. In the meantime though, I thought you might enjoy a video clip (compliments of Grandpa Olson) of our arrival at the airport as well as Graham's first taste of good ol' Gerber food! Enjoy!
Friday, September 21, 2007
We made it!!!
Last night was rough. Graham is really grieving right now. Each time he would wake up, he would see us and scream. I can only imagine how terrified he must be to wake up to strangers in a strange place. We know that this is all part of the process for him, and each day will only get better. The result until then though, are two very sleep deprived parents! I have much more to write, but am lacking on energy right now.
Here are a few pictures from our homecoming yesterday. I can't take credit for the pictures, they are compliments of Grandpa Olson, so thanks!
If anyone has any pictures of our arrival, I'd love to post them. Email me whatever you have, and I'll post it for everyone to see!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We're coming home!
We had a really good day today. This morning we did some last minute shopping and this afternoon we met with Graham! When we arrived at the agency, Graham and his foster mother were alredy there. Graham was sleeping and the social worker stepped in to let us know that they'd both be leaving us alone for about an hour. We immediately began to panic a bit.....we're just supposed to sit in this little room with a sleeping baby and help him through his frightening wake up when he see's us rather than his foster mother?!?!? Hmmmmm.....I wish I had a camera in my hands at that very moment because the look of fear and immediate sweat on Jeff's face was priceless! Things actually went very well though! He woke up (ok, I'll be honest, we helped him wake up!) about 10 minutes later. He didn't cry at all. He was just very quite and had a serious look on his face as he tried to figure out who we were. We played for the next 15 minutes and even got some giggles and a smile out of him. That all changed when his foster mother returned though. As soon as he laid eyes on her, the tears started flowing! Once his diaper was changed though, he cheered right back up again!
I feel like I need to say something about Graham's foster mom. She is just wonderful. The love she has for our son is so obvious, and we owe her so much for being there for Graham for the past 7 months. At one point during our visit, she handed us a bag, and the contents were absolutely priceless....a photo album full of picture of his first 7 months, a birthday hanbok, and large professional pictures she had taken of him. She's a very special woman and we're going to make sure that Graham knows what an important role she played in his life.
As we leave tomorrow morning, please keep the following people in your thoughts-Graham's foster mother. I know that tomorrow is going to be very difficult for her. Graham-he is leaving for the journey of a lifetime and doesn't even know it. We can only hope for a smooth transition for him. And finally, Graham's birthmother. We want her to know, that we're going to take great care of him and raise him to be a confident child who will never have to question his self-worth. I wish we could thank her for the most difficult and selfless decision she's ever had to make. She's given us worlds greatest gift and as we raise Graham she will be held in the highest regard.
And, if you have any energy left to send good vibes, please think of Jeff and I, as we're crossing our fingers that we don't have too many exceptionally dirty diapers on the plane! :)
We're thrilled to be at the end of our journey and excited to hopefully see many of you at the airport on Thursday afternoon!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Because of all the rain, we had to find indoor activities. We visited the National Museum which today was also known as "Field Trip Central". Seriously, it seemed as though every middle school student was visiting the museum. Watching these kids run around loudly with their friends and not listening to their teachers brought back flashbacks of visiting the science museum with my own students. Thankfully, those days are over! Other than the rowdy and excited kids, the museum was great! It was enourmous though, and unless we wanted to spend an entire day there, would have never seen it all. By the time we finished at the museum, we were ready to crash, thanks to still feeling the effects of jet lag. All we really wanted to do was sleep, but knowing that wouldn't help us, the compromise was to see a movie at Coex Mall (Sara, if you're reading this-does that bring back memories?). Back at the hotel the only English channels we get are CNN and the animal planet and we've both about had it with "The Crocodile Hunter"! It felt so good to just sit and watch a movie!
Tomorrow afternoon we'll visit with Graham again and we can't wait! We'll take lots of pictures and post them if we can. This site isn't allowing me to add pictures right now, so hopefully by tomorrow the problem is fixed.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Monday in Seoul
I'm still working on putting into words the emotions we experienced today. It's hard to believe that earlier today we were holding our son, and even harder to believe that in just a few days we'll be back home! Neither of us got much sleep last night. We're still dealing with major jet lag and the knowledge that we'd soon be holding our son didn't allow for very sound sleep. I actually woke up at 2 am and didn't really get back to sleep after that.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
We met Graham!!!!
Here he is!!
Sunday in Seoul
I don't think either of us realized just how difficult it is to navigate Seoul and communicate effectively with no knowledge of the language. Today was a tough day with regards to those issues. It's funny because cashiers seem to assume Jeff should speak Korean and understand what they're saying. When they talk to us, we both just stare with blank faces. They will then usually repeat themselves loudly and slowly. Finally, they will often point to the Korean characters on paper along with obscenely loud volume and equally slow speed that suddenly makes it all clear for us! I want them to know, volume and speed have nothing to do with our inability to speak or understand Korean!
Just a very random and quick FYI for anyone who might be traveling to Seoul in the near future....the 80's are alive and thriving here! Apparently, I didn't get the message to bring my stirrup pants and leggings with me. I swear, all the girls and women are wearing leggings-under shorts, under skirts, under jeans, under a looks like an old Madonna video!
One last note....for some reason the blog won't let me upload pictures right now :( Cross your fingers that it works tomorrow so you can see our first family picture as a family of three! Pictures or not though, we'll definitely update the blog and let everyone know how our meeting went! We're in shock that in just 13 hours we'll be holding Graham. It's overwhelmingly wonderful and emotional and lots of other indescribable feelings, that our wait to finally become parents is now down to a matter of hours.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
We've arrived in Seoul!
We'll update again tomorrow after a good nights sleep and a day of exploring!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Travel Details and Graham Update
In the midst of our crazy day yesterday, we also received the translated update on Graham, and we're thrilled to report that he's doing just great! There has been lots of discussion regarding Graham and his "healthy eating habits" which result in his seemingly large size. Well, as of the end of August, he was approximately 18 pounds. Still not small by any means, but definitely not the "supersize" baby we were imagining carrying home! We also found out that he "babbles constantly", "likes to listen to children's music", "has a lot of curiosity about new toys", "likes to push his walker around ", and "yells when he's in a good mood" sounds like he's got quite the personality! We are soooooooo anxious to actually get him into our arms!
This will be the last update for a day or two, the next one will come from Seoul! Check back often, we'll add lots of pictures and keep everyone posted of whats going on.
Hopefully, we'll see lots of you on Thursday when we arrive back in Minneapolis!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
!!!!!!!!!!TRAVEL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
New Pictures of Graham aka "Jumbo Baby"!

We're still, impatiently, waiting for our travel call. We do know that all we're waiting for at this point is for the US Embassy to issue his visa. Why do governments have to be so slow? There is a little boy in Korea getting way too big, way too fast, and it's time for him to be at home!
When we receive our weight update next week, I'll be sure to update this site. Feel free to leave us a comment and take a guess as to how much our "supersize baby" actually weighs. Someday, it will be fun for Graham to look at this...I'm sure he'd get a good laugh out of all this!