Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Graham makes a new friend!
Keeping up with the tradition of Graham recently becoming more interested in "big boy" foods rather than baby food, here are some pictures of him discovering a new snack.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A Day of Many "Firsts"
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Just one of the guys!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Asserting his independence...
In the past week Graham has decided to become very independent in the food department. He was slowly becoming picky with his baby food choices, but it's now to the point where he clamps his mouth shut if he even see his baby spoon within ten feet of his mouth! He's taken a firm stand, and decided that he's going to live off of mandarin oranges. For how long he'll continue his citrus obsession, nobody knows. He will eat small amounts of other finger foods, but only if he's got mandarin oranges to accompany them. I did learn this evening though that Graham LOVES whipped cream. I was making fresh whipped cream for a Christmas Eve dessert and offered him one of the beaters to lick. He looked at me like I was nuts until I took a lick myself to show him how it's done. He immediately caught on, and was extremely frustrated when he licked it completely clean and there was no more to be had. I wish I would have had my camera handy, because I think there was just as much cream smeared on his face as there was cream that actually made it into his little mouth.
It's hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas doesn't feel like it should be the end of December yet! It's even harder to believe though that this Christmas, we're able to celebrate with our son. Although Graham is too young to understand and get excited about the festivities, Jeff and I are so thankful and excited to be celebrating the best gift ever! I feel like I say this constantly, but I still don't know how we got so lucky with our special little guy! He's simply amazing!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Road Trip!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Three Months Home!
I would also say that the past three months have been some of the busiest in our lives. Let's see what we've done....
-720 diaper changes (on average 8 diapers a day!)
-540 bottle feedings (on average 6 bottles a day!)
-90 parties in the bathtub
-270 meals in the highchair
And best of all, we've received countless smiles and giggles from our sweet little guy! We are so lucky!
So Graham, someday when you're old enough to read this, we want to say "thank you" for allowing us the privilege of being your Mommy and Daddy. You are truly the best gift we've ever received!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
TV Debut!
Then, click on "Go Green" at the top, middle of the page and Graham's short segment will automatically begin to play. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Graham's Choice of Entertainment
Monday, December 17, 2007
Our shrinking family room....
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Up, Up, Up!
Lately, Graham's favorite word is "up". Normally when he says it, and reaches his arms out to us, it's pretty cute. It's not so cute though, when we're in the car and the ONLY thing we can hear is Graham demanding to get "up"and out of his car seat. Tonight, Graham gave new meaning to his phrase of choice. He's been attempting the stairs for quite some time now and has been successful on occasion climbing one or two of them. That changed though, when after weeks of trying, he finally made it to the top this evening. I think keeping up with my busy little guy just got a lot harder!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Graham's Got Mail!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Back to PAC!
After our meeting, we joined Grandma and Grandpa Olson for dinner. Graham got a little tired (aka fussy) towards the end of the meal, but other than that did a great job. He's able to amuse himself for quite a while now that he's able to eat soft finger foods. This is great, because it allows Jeff and I to eat an entire meal in one sitting! Graham apparently became bored with his peas though and decided the french fries on Grandma Olson's plate looked much more appealing and tried repeatedly to grab them. Now, for those of you that know Grandma Olson, you know that she's the healthiest eater on the planet and you're probably wondering if you read correctly when I said she was eating french fries. Well, yes, you read correctly, she was eating french fries, and they were fantastic! I think those of us at dinner tonight can highly recommend the St. Claire Broiler for fries and hot fudge shakes!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's a school day!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Future Financial Analyst?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Lunch with Graham
Monday, December 10, 2007
A visit with Santa
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Graham and the Holiday Tea
Friday, December 7, 2007
Friday in the life of Graham
Our trek from the parking lot at the Mall of America to the restaurant included a ride in an elevator. Normally this would be nothing to note, but because of our company in the elevator, I feel like I need to mention it. An older man got in the elevator with us and began to smile at Graham. He then looked at me and told me how cute he was. I thanked him, and pulled the stroller slightly back, as I felt he was getting a bit too close. He then proceeded to ask me, in these exact words "How much did you pay for him?". I was SHOCKED and didn't know how to respond but I think I muttered something about paying for legal fees, and NOT paying for children. He then knelt down in front of the stroller and pinched Graham's cheeks. I'm not sure if he really pinched that hard or if Graham just didn't like the stranger that close, but he burst into tears and was inconsolable in his stroller to the point that I had to take him out and carry him through the mall all the while trying to manage a stroller, diaper bag, and two puffy winter jackets. I'm going to have to think long and hard about how to answer such ignorant questions in the future. I often wonder if some individuals forget to use their filters when speaking!!! I'm glad Graham was able to enjoy lunch today because after that experience, I was more than ready to sit down and enjoy a relaxing meal!
When I went to get Graham up from his afternoon nap, I discovered that we have a little magician on our hands. The following is a picture of what I discovered....
Thursday, December 6, 2007
He LOVES wrapping paper!
This is a video of Graham on the second night of Hanukkah opening his present. He still seems to be much more curious about the wrapping paper, than the gift that is inside! Notice the spatula at the bottom of the screen-that seems to be his kitchen utensil of the week.