That's right, Graham's hair grows so fast that it was time for yet another hair cut. Unfortunately, it seemed like every other Eden Prairie Mom had the same idea to get their kids' haircut on this rainy morning. Graham did a good job being patient as we waited for our turn though. He entertained himself with some crayons and a very ugly dinosaur! He liked the plastic dinosaur (on the table) so much, that when his turn came, he took it with him and held it under his cape for his entire hair cut.

Graham's name was finally called and once he was settled into his chair, the stylist began to make conversation with me. Our conversation was strange to say the least, and went something like this-
Stylist-Where did you get him from?
Me-Where did I get who from? (The idea that she was talking about Graham didn't occur to me)
Stylist-Where did you get Graham from? Is he adopted or is his Dad Asian?
Me-Well, both actually.
Stylist-Huh? I'm confused.
Me-Graham was adopted, but his Dad is also part Asian.
Stylist-You know his real Dad?
Me-My husband is his real Dad.
Stylist-I thought you said he was adopted.
Me-Yes, he was adopted.
Stylist-This is so weird!
For what it's worth, the term "real" Dad or "real" Mom just grates on my nerves. "Real" implies that someone that is or was in Graham's life is fake which obviously couldn't be farther from the truth. It's interesting that all of my conversations related to adoption that happen in public, happen when it's just Graham and I out alone. If Jeff is along, people don't give us a second look. It's going to be interesting to see how Graham chooses to handle nosy questions as he gets old enough to be a part of the
conversation. At 18 months he's already got quite the spunky personality, so I'm sure his responses will be nothing short of amusing!