Saturday, December 27, 2008
Frozen Yogurt on a Freezing Cold Night
A Quick Christmas Recap...
On Christmas Eve, we joined Jeff's family for a delicious Christmas Eve dinner. The highlight of the evening for Graham was getting his very own remote controlled train from Halmoni and Haraboji! At first, as he worked to figure out the remote, he was a bit afraid of the train as it rolled around on the floor, but it wasn't long before Graham was the conductor in charge of his train. I'm still amazed that a child, not even two years old, can understand how a remote control works. Graham does have experience watching his Daddy 'work' the remote, but it's still pretty funny to watch Graham and his train in action.
When it was time for bed, we headed to my parents house to spend the night...and what a long night it was. Not long after we put Graham in the pack-n-play to go to sleep, he decided he wanted to get out. So, he climbed out. Needless to say, none of us got much sleep as Graham moved between the pack-n-play he could now get out of, and the bed with us. He had so much fun with his new freedom! I wonder how much longer it will be before he attempts to climb out of his actual crib! Thankfully, he really does love his crib, so I'm hoping he remains content contained behind the bars for at least another 5 years! :)
Morning did finally arrive though, and we made our way downstairs to find that despite Graham not really sleeping the night before, that Santa did indeed come! Graham had so much fun opening his presents, and Jeff and I had so much fun watching him. Last year, Graham wasn't very interested in the gifts, but this year, he wanted to open every single gift, no matter who it was for! Amelia even had a pile under the tree. Although we would have loved for her to be home and sharing the holiday with us, it was touching that she was included too. It was a strange feeling on Christmas morning though, to know that I'm the Mommy to two children who happen to be on opposite sides of the world. Thankfully, with each day that passes, we're one day closer to uniting our family!
Because we weren't going to be at home on Christmas morning, Santa dropped off a big gift for Graham a day early. Here is Graham's reaction to his new train table. As you can see, he's shocked. So shocked, that he drops his blanket and Elmo, both objects we normally have to pry from his hands each morning. And no, the train table isn't taking over our living's going to live in Graham's from his baby sisters hands!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Groovin' Graham
Thanks to the religious and cultural make-up of our family, December is like one long party for us! Sunday was the first night of Hanukkah and Graham was really excited. So excited in fact, that not more than 5 minutes after arriving at my parents house, he threw up all over the kitchen. When I replayed the day in my head, I realized that Graham had virtually no interest in food all day and I actually had to wake him up from his nap so we could leave the house. But, until he actually got sick, I didn't put it all together. Poor little guy! Thankfully, he did only get sick that one time and he still wanted to join us at the table for a small amount of soup. An upset tummy sure doesn't deter from the excitement of opening up gifts though!
Friday, December 19, 2008
This morning Graham was able to burn off an enormous amount of energy when we met Kelly and Maddie and Edinborough Park. Maddie and Graham had a fantastic time climbing, running, throwing balls, kicking balls, jumping, and pushing each other around on scooters. Thank goodness indoor parks exist, because Minnesota winters don't really lend themselves to children being able to play outside too often.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
'I No Know'
The past few days Graham has started to experience a vocabulary explosion! He's starting to put a few words together to create phrases and is repeating everything! In this video, you'll hear Graham tell us 'I no know' (translation-I don't know). Last night Jeff let Graham play with his wallet. Things got busy in our house, and soon enough, the wallet was forgotten about. Bright and early this morning as we're all trying to get out of the house to fill out the last of Amelia's paperwork at our adoption agency, Jeff realized that he didn't know where his wallet was. Unfortunately, the last person to see this wallet isn't even two years old. We were desperate for the wallet to reappear, and sure enough, just as we were ready to leave home without it, we found it!
Excuse the mess in the video clip, we turned the living room upside down in our frantic search...nothing was left unturned!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Festive Wednesday
After we finished touring the holiday display, we met Sara (Rara according to Graham) for lunch. To say that Graham was excited to see her is an understatement! Graham just loves Sara and he loved her even more (if that's even possible) when she presented him with his very first Rice Krispy treat complete with Christmas sprinkles. What Sara doesn't know, is that Graham very loudly called out for her all the way to the car, and quite a while into our drive home!
Now, to explain the video...Graham and I were running some errands with my Mom this afternoon and Graham was completely mesmerized with the snow globe display at Target. Graham's 'Ahma' (as he calls her), let Graham choose any snow globe he wanted, and after careful consideration, he chose one with a snowman inside. Graham is very possessive of his new winter decoration, and he's still having a hard time understanding why he can only play with it if a grown-up is around. As you can see, Graham isn't too keen on the fact that his Daddy is trying to help him!
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Paints!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Holiday Tea
Just for fun....
As a disclaimer, Jeff feels that his head was unfairly placed onto a female elf body...I tried to upload pictures in random order several times, but Jeff's face repeatedly ends up on the same elf. Sorry Jeff!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Babies in Baskets
Now, to explain the picture. I had a basket of clean, folded laundry in the family room. Graham dumped it all out, pushed the laundry basket next to his baby then called out for an audience. Pretty creative way to imitate his baby if you ask me!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Belated Weekend Pics
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Cake Pan Concert
If you read Graham's letter to Santa, you'll know that he loves horns and pretending that my cake pan is a horn. Bright and early this morning, I got a 'cake pan' concert, and I thought it was entertaining enough to share since it's hard to imagine a cake pan as a horn!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Since Jeff was at work missing all sorts of artsy fun at home, I decided to take a picture of Graham's artwork before I scrubbed the wall. As you can see, Graham is very proud of what he did. I never called him over to be in the picture, and I never asked him to smile....