I haven't posted pictures in a few days, so I'll add a few. These are actually from last weekend when we attended a festival that was at Graham's school. I still can't get over how 'big boy'ish' he looks lately. He's definitely a toddler now...in size, in attitude, and spirit! :)
Friday, January 30, 2009
End of the week update...
I haven't posted pictures in a few days, so I'll add a few. These are actually from last weekend when we attended a festival that was at Graham's school. I still can't get over how 'big boy'ish' he looks lately. He's definitely a toddler now...in size, in attitude, and spirit! :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
2 Year Check-Up
Now, I need to share the reason we almost missed our appointment this morning. While I take a fast shower in the morning, Graham sits in his crib with a stack of books. When I got out of the shower I could hear Graham laughing to himself over the baby monitor so I ran into his room to see what was going on. I walked in just in time to see my naked boy going to the bathroom all over his crib. When Graham realized I was there, he looked up at me and said 'Oh Well!'. Seriously, why is it appealing to take off your clothes and go to the bathroom in your bed???? I mentioned Graham's new habit to his doctor and she suggested that over his diaper, I add another one, only put it on backwards. So, Graham is now asleep in his crib and I really hope that when he wakes up I find a child still wearing a diaper.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Naked at naptime
Sorry, there are no pictures as evidence of Graham's newest clothing (or lack of) accomplishment, but I have included a few pictures of him playing this morning. When I look at these pictures Graham looks so much older to me all of a sudden. He's also sounding older too. Here are a few examples...the other day Graham heard me talking to Jeff and for the rest of the day, Graham referred to his Daddy as 'Jeff', and he still occasionally does this now. His new favorite phrase is 'Oh Well'. If something is "accidentally" thrown across the room and I take it away, Graham looks at me and says "Oh Well!". And finally, with the recent arrival of baby Miles into our family and soon the arrival of Amelia, Graham and I have been talking a lot about the difference between a baby and a big boy. I asked him if he was a baby or a big boy and he paused for a moment before saying 'man.' Ok then, my 2 year old thinks he's already an adult, great...2 going on 20, this should be fun.
And finally the pictures- For some reason, Graham insisted on wearing Jeff's hat for most of the day...
Friday, January 23, 2009
A secret cubbyhole...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Graham!!!
After dinner, the birthday boy opened up his gifts. Graham wasted no time with wrapping paper and dove right in.
Graham received a very special gift from his Great Grandparents. We knew what it was, so we saved it for last, because we figured he would want to spend some time with his new toy. To say that he likes his new 'Elmo Live' is an understatement. It seemed to Jeff and I that Graham really believes this Elmo is real. Graham spent a great deal of time interacting with him, trying to feed him, and laughing when Elmo laughed. These two were instant friends!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
'Big Boy' Lunch
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy 'Almost' Birthday!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Piano Lesson
Apparently Elmo needed a bit more guidance so Graham moved him onto his lap. How sweet is this?!?
Friday, January 16, 2009
We're still here!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Big Cousin Graham
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Life with Elmo Slippers: Day 2
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
More Elmo!
As I was rushing through Target to pick up a few things, Graham suddenly became very animated and began to yell 'Elmo!'. Elmo is plastered everywhere at Target so I had no idea what type of Elmo it was that caught his attention this time. He was pointing and going crazy trying to climb out of the cart so I turned around to see what it was that was so exciting to him. I couldn't miss it...an entire display of toddler Elmo slippers. I pushed the cart towards the display so I could get a better look and before I knew it Graham grabbed a pair and began kissing them. Then, he got very quiet, looked up and me and in a very sweet voice said 'Pease?' How could I say no to that???
So, Graham is now the VERY proud owner of Elmo slippers. He jumps, runs, and dances in them, and Annie chases close behind convinced that Graham has two stuffed dog toys attached to his feet. Here's the problem though-not a single pair of shoes lives up to his new slippers. Leaving the house is a bit of a problem as I have to remove the slippers only to replace them with boring brown shoes. Hopefully the novelty of the slippers begins to fade so changing into shoes isn't such a traumatic experience!
Both of these video's show how excited Graham is to be wearing his new slippers. In the first video, you'll have to excuse the fact that Graham is making Elmo burp. What is it with boys and bodily functions??? He isn't even two yet and he's amusing himself with burping noises! He calls himself 'Am' so when he starts saying that and coming towards the camera he wants to watch the video of himself.
In the second video, you can hear Graham asking to play football. He's suddenly very interested in sports and every time he passes a tv that's on, he asks for football. I wonder if this is any indication of what is constantly on the tv at our house???
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Just Being Silly...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Rara, Boy Rara, a Shark, and a few Otters
Last night our friends Sara and her fiance' Chris ('Rara' and 'Boy Rara' according to Graham) joined us for dinner. Graham LOVES to spend time with both of them and had a fantastic time dancing around the living room with Sara. Graham was even kind enough to share his coveted dance pad with her. You know that Graham really likes you, if Graham is willing to share his favorite toys!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
We've been very busy this week which is why recent posts have been non-existent. We've been lucky enough to have Jeff home all week so we've been visiting with family, visiting with friends, and just hanging out. With no schedule, I kind of lost my discipline to update the blog. But, Jeff does have to go back to work on Monday, which means I'll be back on a schedule, which means you can count on more regular Graham updates! Until then though, here are a few pictures and video from the past week. Enjoy!
The following video is Graham playing with his dance pad, one of his new Christmas toys, and as you can see, he LOVES it! Graham's great grandparents sure know what Graham likes!
**A warning about the following video-it might become annoying!** Yesterday morning Graham figured out how to actually play his recorder. He obviously has no clue what he's doing note wise, but ever since he mastered actually blowing air through it and making noise, that's all he wants to do. I'm not sure if I should be happy about this or not...it sure didn't help my headache today!